

The Health Promotion Case Management (HPCM) program offers you the opportunity to connect with a case manager who can support you to address the barriers that may be impacting your access to health and well-being.

What We Do

We understand the multitude of social & economic factors that might affect your health. Our case managers work with you to identify your goals and address your needs accordingly. They do this through:

  • A focus on your strengths and resilience
  • An intensive case management approach to decrease vulnerability from structural violence and risks of contracting HIV, Hep C and other sexually transmitted or blood-borne infections
  • The development of self-efficacy and personal skills that can increase your resiliency (behavior, lifestyle, relationships, emotional and mental health, etc.)
  • Addressing environmental and institutional barriers that can impact your health (advocacy, income assistance, finding housing, connections to services, legal system navigation, immigration issues, access to gender-affirming care, etc.).